Artigos completos publicados em periódicos |
1. | ELISIARIO, A. C. D. M., ASSIS, A. J. Computer simulation and parametric analysis of an old ammonia industrial storage unit. International Review of Chemical Engineering - Rapid Communications (IRECHE). , v.6, p.169 - 176, 2014. BAIXE AQUI |
2. | Dantas, S.C., Resende, K.A., Rossi, R.L., Assis, A.J., Hori, C.E. Hydrogen production from oxidative reforming of methane on supported nickel catalysts: an experimental and modeling study. Chemical Engineering Journal (1996). , v.197, p.407 - 413, 2012. |
3. | LIMA, A. M., ASSIS, A. J., HORI, C. E., REIS, M. H. M., MACHADO, A. E. H. Thermodynamic Analysis of Ethanol Dehydration to Ethylene through Equilibrium Constant Method Using Classic Thermodynamics and Quantum Chemistry. The International Review of Chemical Engineering. , v.4, p.466 - 473, 2012. BAIXE AQUI |
4. | LIRA, Taísa Shimosakai de, BARROZO, Marcos Antônio de Souza, Assis, Adilson J. Predicting air quality in Uberlandia, Brazil, using linear models and Neural Networks (DOI: 10.1504/WRSTSD.2011.044212). World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development (WRSTSD). , v.8, p.135 - 147, 2011. |
5. | NICODEMOS, R. M., LIMA, A. M., ASSIS, A. J. Produção de hidrogênio a partir de fontes renováveis. Horizonte Científico (Uberlândia). , v.5, p.1 - 24, 2011. |
6. | de Ávila, C.N., Hori, C.E., de Assis, A.J. Thermodynamic assessment of hydrogen production and cobalt oxidation susceptibility under ethanol reforming conditions. Energy (Oxford). , v.36, p.4385 - 4395, 2011. |
7. | NICODEMOS, R. M., ASSIS, A. J., BARROZO, Marcos Antônio de Souza Estudo Sobre Qualidade do Ar na Cidade de Uberlândia: Análise da Influência de Variáveis. Horizonte Científico (Uberlândia). , v.2, p.1 - 25, 2010. |
8. | Silva, Leandro C., Murata, Valéria V., Hori, Carla E., Assis, Adilson J. Hydrogen production from methane steam reforming: parametric and gradient based optimization of a Pd-based membrane reactor. Optmization and Engineering. , v.11, p.441 - 458, 2010. |
9. | DIAS, R. S., SILVA, L. C., ASSIS, A. J. Plant wide simulation using the free chemical process simulator Sim42: Natural gas separation and reforming. Computer Applications in Engineering Education. , v.18, p.476 - 484, 2010. |
10. | LIRA, Taísa Shimosakai de, BARROZO, Marcos Antônio de Souza, ASSIS, A. J. Concurrent moving bed dryer modelling: sensitivity of physicochemical parameters and influence of air velocity profiles. Applied Thermal Engineering. , v.29, p.892 - 897, 2009. |
11. | Arruda, E.B., Façanha, J.M.F., Pires, L.N., Assis, A.J., Barrozo, M.A.S. Conventional and modified rotary dryer: Comparison of performance in fertilizer drying. Chemical Engineering and Processing. , v.48, p.1414 - 1418, 2009. |
12. | Ávila-Neto, C.N., Dantas, S.C., Silva, F.A., Franco, T.V., Romanielo, L.L., Hori, C.E., Assis, A.J. Hydrogen production from methane reforming: Thermodynamic assessment and autothermal reactor design. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. , v.1, p.205 - 215, 2009. |
13. | ARRUDA, E. B., Lobato, F. S., ASSIS, A. J., Barrozo, M. A. S. Modeling of Fertilizer Drying in Roto-Aerated and Conventional Rotary Dryers. Drying Technology. , v.27, p.1192 - 1198, 2009. |
14. | LIMA, A. M., SILVA, L. C., ASSIS, A. J. Otimização da Produção de Hidrogênio pela Reforma do Metano em Reatores com Membrana. Horizonte Científico. , v.1, p.1 - 21, 2008. |
15. | ARRUDA, E. B., FACANHA, J. M. F., PIRES, L. N., ASSIS, A. J., BARROZO, Marcos Antônio de Souza Transport of solids through rotary dryers with flights of two and three segments. Materials Science Forum. , v.591-3, p.368 - 373, 2008. |
16. | LIRA, T. S. DE, Barrozo, M. A. S., ASSIS, A. J. Air quality prediction in Uberlândia, Brazil, using linear models and neural networks. Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering. , v.24, p.51 - 56, 2007. |
17. | ASSIS, A. J., LIRA, Taísa Shimosakai de, BARROZO, Marcos Antônio de Souza, MURATA, Valéria Viana Effect of radial air profiles on a countercurrent moving bed drying. Food and Bioproducts Processing. , v.85, p.241 - 246, 2007. |
18. | BARROZO, Marcos Antônio de Souza, MURATA, Valéria Viana, ASSIS, A. J., FREIRE, J. T. Modelling of drying in moving bed. Drying Technology. , v.24, p.269 - 279, 2006. |
19. | BESTETI, Marina Damião, ASSIS, A. J. Simulação da reação de reforma do metano para produção de hidrogênio. Horizonte Científico. , v.3, p.1 - 25, 2006. |
20. | ASSIS, A. J., LIRA, T. S. DE, MURATA, Valéria Viana Concurrent drying of soybean seeds: the effect of the radial air profile. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering. , v.22, p.311 - 318, 2005. |
21. | ASSIS, A. J., MACIEL FILHO, R. Soft sensors development for on-line bioreactor state estimation. Computers and Chemical Engineering. , v.24, p.1099 - 1103, 2000. |
22. | DECHECHI, E. C., LUZ JÚNIOR, L. F. L., ASSIS, A. J., MACIEL, M. R. W., MACIEL FILHO, R. Interactive supervision of batch distillation with advanced control capabilities. Computers and Chemical Engineering. , v.22, p.S867 - S870, 1998. |
23. | HENRIQUE, Humberto Molinar, NASCIMENTO, Alvimar Ferreira, ASSIS, A. J., BUIATTI, C. M. Determinação do coeficiente de transferência de massa e do coeficiente de dispersão axial em um leito fluidizado trifásico. Ciência & Engenharia. , v.2, p.101 - 119, 1992. |